Your Story about Japanese Buddhism
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Here’s your chance to make a difference and share with others your story. Tell us about zen, meditation, Buddha, temples you visited or anything else that is related to Japanese Buddhism.
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Soto Zen in Oregon
My name is Joseph. I live in Joseph, Oregon, in the very Northeast of the state. We are surrounded by mountains and canyons, with a very small human population. …
Hello fellow Buddhist, Hugo...
My question way back was always, what about God, where does this Mystical name appear from, were my concerns. Like you …
Dave's experience
My parents were drug addicts, my mother is not all there my dad was dishonorably discharged from the army.
I met the only person I could ever call mother …
A life long search for the Dharma
I have been influenced by Buddhism since childhood. This began when I moved to Yokohama at age 7. My family was not religious, but I would go off on my …
I find peace in meditation
Ever since I was about 14 years old I began searching for the truth within. It began as a study of all the major religions of the world either formally …
Nicherin Dashonin Buddhism - Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
My story started sometime ago. A journey as they say, to find the best or right path and what I chose was to simply chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.
I started …
Suffering Turns to Joy
Since I was a child, I was always sensitive to anger in myself and in others. I wondered if there was any way to overcome this demon within. I imagined …
My visit to Koya San
Kôyasan is home to an active monastic center founded twelve centuries ago by the priest Kûkai (posthumously known as Kôbô Daishi) for the study and practice …
Why Buddhism is dying in Japan
Buddhism in Japan loses ground every year. As discussed last month, many temples have closed and young people do not practice as much as their parents …
My Thanks To You Not rated yet
Hugo...I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a Tree. A tree, who's hungry mouth is pressed, against the Earths sweet flowing breast...
A …
Impermanence... Not rated yet
Rushing through life as we do, having no real idea why we do, apart from striving for things to achieve. Once the first acievement has been gained, happiness …
Meditation Not rated yet
I turned to Buddhism and meditation to try to control my short temper and fits of rage.
I am now much calmer and in control of my emotions.
Response to "Sectarian quarrels between Buddhist Schools" Not rated yet
I am not familiar with SGI but this my reponse. I live in Chazy, NY. in November 1966 I became Buddhist at the hands of my babysitter, Ellen Fisher, then …
The Buddha, the Flower and the Awakening Not rated yet
Once the Buddha,
sitting near a lake on Mount Grdhakuta,
prepared to teach;
But realizing that with mere words the true inner nature he’d never …
Meditation fixed my Husband's Back Not rated yet
Both my husband and I went to a Vipassana Retreat in February 2009. We did the 10 day Vipassana course and my husband especially had a hard time.
Before …
I'm a student of the Rinzai Zen school Not rated yet
I've been a student of the Rinzai school of Zen for approximately four years. My interest in Zen was first nurtured by the book "The Three Pillars of Zen" …
A Wonderful Nara Not rated yet
I'd like to share the best memory of my visit to Nara
The artistic inspiration from Greek floral scrolls is found quite literally in the decoration …
Why Buddhism is Right For Me Not rated yet
I was diagnosed with a chronic disease that will greatly shorten my current life. Buddhism has helped me to find peace,peace within myself which in turn, …
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