by Bronco
(Lincoln UK)
Rushing through life as we do, having no real idea why we do, apart from striving for things to achieve. Once the first acievement has been gained, happiness was found, albeit for just a short time, then it is within this transition that, unhappiness manifests. Therefore, the next desire or craving somehow manifests to kick start our craving yet again…
This short chapter sums up the whole of our lives for as long as we live. Right now I am fortunate to have interacted with Buddhism, 25 years ago, to be able to philosophise the great mans teaching. I never rejected religions of all kinds, it just appeared that much was missing, and never made complete sense to me pre Buddhism…
Inseparability, change and transition all lead to impermanence, this I now know, is where the need for inspiration to drive our committment to life in the form of desires and cravings, activated by thoughts, derives from. Whoever placed this mystery into the mix of life has no name…
In our garden just now, as in all gardens, Spring has brought more changes to hold our attention, and take our breath away, which such beauty from the silent depths of invisibilty. As a baby grows, we visibly witness the slow process of change in it’s features and form. Again in our garden we have a Tibetan Cherry, which is five years old just now. This year has brought the ultimate in it’s magical beauty…
Over the time it’s Blossom was sparse but still lovely, this year it has fulfilled it’s total potential with more flowers than it could imagine, ourselves included. Beautifull White blossom for all to see. Over the days, the white miraculously turned to Pink. Again, who put that equation into the mix, no artist, pallette, paints or brushes. Just designed by the Absolute, as all things are. Now I can totally appreciate the great wisdom of Buddha, and what his impermanence truly means. Now I am hooked beyond any doubt, we have only touched the periphery of enlightenment…Metta Sutta… Bronco…
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