Dave’s experience


Dave’s experience

by Dave Duchene

(Allen Park, Michigan, United States)

My parents were drug addicts, my mother is not all there my dad was dishonorably discharged from the army.

I met the only person I could ever call mother at approximately 8, then watched her die at 10. That’s when I became agnostic.

I was agnostic for 4 years then I became atheist because I discovered agnosticism was neither a religious nor political view so actually I guess I was atheist for 8 years.

I’ve hurt people, I’ve helped people, I’ve watched people rise and fall from all religions.
I’ve prayed and been left behind then I met my girlfriend who I love very much and I also enlisted in the marines.

I thought that would make me happy but it hasn’t.

It’s given me the ability to say “Hey! I’ve been places I’ve done stuff in my life and I’ve fought for you but that doesn’t make me happy.”

I thought it would give me some philosophical epiphany and realization of the world around me but it hasn’t.

Now I’m here, and I’ve had enough of religions. I want to be accepted for what I am. I want to discover, experience and base my hypothesis on those results. I want to see what truth is for me

I have found Buddhism.

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Oct 01, 2011

Thank you Dave

by: Admin-Hugo

Thank you for taking the time to share with us Dave.

From your name, I see that you are of French Canadian origin, like me. I bet your ancestors moved to Michigan to go where the jobs were.

It is not here, nor there though.

Tell us, what do you do in Buddhism. Do you meditate, study, read, pray?

Also what form of Buddhism or what teachers talk to you the most?

Oct 02, 2011

The Unchanging Truth

by: Bita

Hi Dave!

Welcome to our Buddhist community! How did you find this website?

I was very moved by your comments and insight that happiness was not found in ordinary places. Very few people get this kind of revelation, I think. Unless we know the root cause of our suffering, we can never eradicate it! So for you to know that traveling or the marines did not lift the heavy burden off your shoulder means you have walked a step closer to the truth. I have similar questions about you like Hugo asked. Looking forward to hearing more about you! If you haven’t seen the previous comments, please try to read the books You Were Born For a Reason and Something You Forgot ALong the Way! You will find the truth! Your friend,

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