


by Bronco

(Lincoln UK)

Hello fellow Buddhist, Hugo…

My question way back was always, what about God, where does this Mystical name appear from, were my concerns. Like you a self taught Buddhist, from books and personal studies. Budhism and I co incided, came together at exactly the right time…

25 years now has brought many revelations, which derived from a book named Karmic Astrology,, in it there was line quoted by Buddha. You are what you think, having become what you thought. A few words which blew a hole in me which will never close…

It is known as the opening of mind, since that very moment hit me everything to follow has made so much sense..Me, a Manchester kid of poverty, falling into line with a culture , with a totally different language, a country beyond my existence..How could what this enlightened mortal express, make sense to my own thoughts…..

In many of my readings which touched many Buddhist philosophies of truth, they all made sense to me..Many amazing tantras, such as. Kun Byed Rgal Po..The supreme ordering principle in the Universe, mind blowing indeed..My opening line in meditation nowadays is..Good morning Buddha and Jesus, enlightened beings representing the Absolute universe in physical forms. Who manifested into existence to remind us of what we know and what we are, just by walking amongst us…

Good morning Absolute universe, Consciousness,God,, Param attman,, the supreme ordering principle in the Universe inseparably..Buddha’s Consciousness,Christians God..Hindus, Param attman..The middle way between all phenomena, the process of all existence, non existence,, we are forever greatful..This will do for now, Hugo, to see it is what you need to know or not..Bronco

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Feb 20, 2012


by: shally aduca

Faith in the Buddha…consciousness of the loving presence of the Buddha in ourselves in every circumstance…that evrything is under his control, that is his revelation to me

This consciousness developed as i read and meditate on the teachings,quotes and wisdom of the Buddha. And what consoles me the most is the reality of things that everything comes…everything goes.

Feb 20, 2012


by: shally aduca

Dear Hugo

i am truly grateful for the attention and accommodation you are giving me, i appreciate your generosity of time. i learned from your goodness because you are making me get closer to the Buddha thru this blog.

Feb 20, 2012

Thought without a thinker

by: Lankika

What Bronco says is correct. You are what you think and you create your own karmic action. But the ultimate truth is that there is thought without a thinker. It is that no self that we have to realise through meditation.

Feb 20, 2012

Where Will I Go

by: Bronco

As a kid, I used to pray that nothing would happen to my loved ones, one by one I would single them out. I never actually thought about myself, as if nothing would happen to me personally…

There must be an end to the universe, I thought, a kind of brick wall, or range of mountains, to be the final frontier so to speak. Then I thought,, I would always be curious to know what was beyond that brick wall or range of mountains, then I fell asleep with an unresolved poser..

Many years later in my Buddhist studies, it came to me in book form. A Buddhist, lay dying, he was surrounded by many young monks, who were crying remorselessly all around him. Why do you cry, he asked compassionately, because you are going to die master. There is no death, he silently retorted, where will I go..Another hole manifested which again will never fill…

Now when people ask, what happens when we die, or as I call it, entering into transition. My answer, we become the conciousness we manifested from, which is infinite. We become the breath of the breather, love of the lovers, thoughts of the thinkers, wisdom of the wise, endlessly…

Feb 27, 2012


by: Bronco

Good morning fellow Meditators, we should all be aware that, the idea of meditation is to still the wild horse of mind, which is driven by the relentlessness of thoughts, to allow the purity of consciousness to filter through…

I have been using recitations for many years to keep mind focused, because as we all know only too well, thought will flood in to take us off on some wild Goose chase. Then we have to return the puppy back to where we left off to begin again…

When we are able to keep our focus or mindfulness of concentration, we do for a few moments, realise those Sunyatta moments, albeit briefly, it is purity it’s self. Once this moment has been realised, it is then we don’t want to return to the rigours of the living existence…

On returning, the pacification is priceless, then it’s back into the fray of existence. Many ask what and where is Nirvana, or Heaven, for me, it is right here and now as close as breath, it is within the breath. When we have those dreamless moments of sleep, that for me, is both inseparable dimensions by words only, where nothing is happening, then we return wondering, where was this person I call me…

Who was breathing for me, how was I breathing as the ego flew off somewhere neutral or whatever, or wherever, it was all right here without us knowing..More later,,Sincere best wishes Bronco….

Feb 29, 2012


by: Bronco

Respectfully, Hugo stated, anyone who has a question, then he would answer it in the best way possible, because like many of us did, Hugo is self taught, the best way as far as I am concerned…

Even so, when I was about two years into my studies, I wondered how I was doing, needed a little shove or more guidance maybe. I had no doubts as to what I was doing, it felt so very right. It is also good to remember, we are never alone, it just seems that way at times…

Minehead in Somerset UK, had a Buddhist lodge, in it’s area. Myself and wife headed off to seek advice, my wife has chosen Christianity, absolutely nothing wrong with that. We live in total harmony, not at all times, that would be impossible, we cannot have positive without negative. All the dualities of the many are inseparable, we cannot have one without the other, as we all come to know…

Once in Minehead, I spoke to one of the Monks, who lived there, such wonderful peace and solitude, I felt totally at home in his environment. We spoke at lengh, as he asked where I was at, what I was doing with my studies. he listened intently at my replies until I had finished. He then went on to say, just keep doing what you do, you are on course, I could have wept, actually the tears were flowing within me like rain…

After that enlightening meeting, it was then that i felt I had become realised, there were no more questions within me, only the quest for more. That is all for now folks, speak soon..Satsang..Bronco….It is from the negatives we learn….

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