Nicherin Dashonin Buddhism – Nam Myoho Renge Kyo


Nicherin Dashonin Buddhism – Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

by Jason

(UK, Grimsby was Birmingham)

My story started sometime ago. A journey as they say, to find the best or right path and what I chose was to simply chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

I started to become a seeker after becoming acquainted with spiritual principles to solve daily problems after suffering a serious drug addiction problem. I started practising the 12 steps, 12 years ago, and got myself better and it completely turned my life around.

Within the 12 steps, step 11 was about prayer and meditation, so I sought guidance from various types of religious(schools). I found a mediation and practice that produced great results whilst meditating. Results like strong vibrations, feeling peace and lowering stress levels. However, I did struggle with the guru stuff, but continued meditating at home.

Whilst practicing I was still seeking my path. I found out from a friend that she was practicing Nichiren Buddhism. Being curious, I went along to a SGI (Soka Gakkai International) meeting, and tried chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo with them.

I could not see how chanting this phrase could offer any benefit at all, as I had tried other practices that seemed more advanced. Anyway, I went to a few more SGI meetings to learn about Buddhism and how to develop the practice and then stopped going. I still chanted for a few minutes in the morning before meditation, for some reason.

March this year 2010 I hit a real difficult point in my life, as we sometimes do and realised I had not been doing any meditation at all. I was really frustrated with my life situation and something just told me to chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. I did, and it was really profound, it was like I just woke up and felt an unbelievable amount of joy for 2 solid days.

After, this experience I knew I had to have more of this, and wodered what would happen if I chanted like that everyday.

I went back to SGI meetings and chanted in a completely different way (with determination), that started to bring benefits.

Since this time I have now received the Gohonzon, which was an unbelievable feeling of joy that I have never experienced in my life. Not even when my children were born , escaping drug addiction or anything else. Why? I really don’t know.

The Gohonzen is an object of devotion or respect to observe ones mind or life. It seems most things in Nichiren Buddhism just makes sense, and I’m beginning to feel my life state becoming much stronger and that I am more in control of my life than what’s outside of me.

I have had great support from SGI members and feel like my search for various questions in life are being answered or I have simply just lost the questions.

SGI and chanting Nam Myho Renge Kyo just suits me to a T.

Love and respect to you all.



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Dec 12, 2010

Glad I found this!

by: [email protected]

I have known of NMRK for many years.
I have practiced meditation and chanting
for many years as well.
Recently, I just “felt” drawn to beginning
this practice in earnest after chatting
briefly with a practitioner who had 20+ years
of experience. Thus far I have had one
interesting experience. I chanted before I
went to sleep at 11:30 PM PST Saturday night.
I had to wake up at 4:00 AM PST.

Instead I was WIDE awake at 2:50 AM PST.
I feel pretty good but, seeing as it is Sunday morning, I am going back to sleep.
Thank you for posting this site.
I will continue to practice and research this matter.

Note from the editor:
Glad you found something that worked for you. I also often find myself full of energy when doing spiritual practice.
If you wake up this early and feel full of energy, use your time to do some more practice in gratitude. -Hugo

Mar 22, 2012


by: Bronco

These amazing Tantras withhold many mystical vibrations which work, as you all mention in your blogs. They go back centuries yet still retain their mystical qualities, because the whole Universe is forever pulsating and vibrating. Absolutely nothing is dead or has died, should this be true, then the whole Universe would eventually cease to exist…

Nam, devotion to the eternal life…

Myo, mystic,, because it is difficult to discern…

Ho, the law and all phenomena are inseparable dimensions. The complexity of this life here and now, and how it changes every living moment…

Renge,,the Lotus, how it manifests the flower and seed simultaneously. Here is the paradox of cause and effect…

Kyo, The Sutras or teaching, speech and sounds of all living things…

Mar 14, 2013

well i need to know if the benefits will come

by: carolyn

Hi I need to talk with some one who can remind me of the benefits that come with chanting I have written a book in long hand because I don’t own a computer or printer in order to get my copy write I need a computer and printer so I can write it up and send to library of congress so I’m chanting for that

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