My Thanks To You


My Thanks To You

by Bronco

(Lincoln UK)

Hugo…I think that I shall never see, a poem lovely as a Tree. A tree, who’s hungry mouth is pressed, against the Earths sweet flowing breast…

A Tree, who’s hungry mouth is pressed, against the Earths sweet flowing breast. A tree that looks at life all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pray…

A tree, that may in Summer wear,, A nest of Robins in her hair. Upon who’s, Bosom, snow has lain, through Winter mentally lives with,Rain…

Poems are made by fools like me, but only God. can make a Tree…

Here, there is no Bias or opinion. Only a complete acceptance of what truly is. This massive analogy represents the whole Universe in it’s wisdom without bias or preference. God is, Conciousness, Param Atman, inseparably. Heaven and Nirvana, just words which separate unkowingly without justification, the opinions of the many without cause or effect///

Mario Lanza, a friend from many years ago, who sang the song of total recognition without any bias or judgement. How could a naive child know, what was being sung, that was me…

To repeat,,, my thanks to you, for your dedication, loyalty and resolute compasion…Bronco…Your Bro in Buddhism…

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