Even if I’m practicing everyday there is fear in my heart which makes me lose all my hope in a second?


Even if I’m practicing everyday there is fear in my heart which makes me lose all my hope in a second?

by shailja rakhi




I’ve been practising Buddhism everyday for 1 year and I even inspire people to do so but why am I always scared to loose my faith?

There is always a sense of fear in my heart.

Please guide me.

*******My answer********

Hello Shailja,

I’m sorry to hear about your problems. I want to explain that I am no teacher. I do study it but I do not practice enough to be qualified as a teacher at the moment. I can give you a few pointers but for better guidance, you should go to my book section and find a good book on the subject of fear and practice.

Fear is normal. Some would call it a demon that needs to be dominated. The cause might be the three evils.

Also, always examine your intention when you practice. The intention is more important than the practice itself. If you intention is to appear great in the eyes of others, you are wasting your time.

If you intention is to attain illumination so that you can help others, that is more useful, but still imperfect.

The point I am trying to do is your intention is all that counts as the saying goes.

I personally strive to be a better person everyday. This is why I accept criticism when it is justified.

Lastly, what will happen if you lose your faith? Will you really? It sounds to me like you already are doubtful. Being afraid of losing your faith is like being afraid of not loving your wife or husband…chances are that you don’t really love him/her.

The good news is that Buddhism doesn’t require blind faith. As long as you follow the Noble Eightfold Path you are doing good.

Good luck in your struggle.


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