Reality Bites “Only truth wins in the end”
Reality Bites “Only truth wins in the end”
by Naveen
(Bangalore India)
All these people, organizations and press trying to malign SGI are frustrated and part of sour grapes story and represent evil which everyone should realize. The truth is SGI is the only true Buddhist community on this planet who revolted against lot of cunning and greedy Buddhist priests in Japan. They got afraid of popularity SGI’s Lay practitioners and their leaders and never wanted to loose their grip over the lay practitioners. The priests used to manipulate lay practitioners by saying they are indispensable if the lay believers want their prayers to be heard by Gohonzon (object of worship). They tried to bribe the lay practitioners and their leaders when it doesn’t seem to work they expelled Soka- Gakkai from Nichiren Shoshu and started maligning and throwing dirt on SGI and its leaders at every possible opportunity.
In SGI we don’t care if a priest comes to overlook our activity, or comes to enshrine our Gohonzon and finally we don’t need a broker or mediator to communicate with our buddhahood and the universe, to see the same in others and in our environment. We are fortunate to have our Sensei (our Guru, our coach in practice) such a noble, honest man who spent most of his life for spreading this practice trough out the world with out expecting any benefits in fact he went through so many hardships and struggles for us and protect the image of our organization.