Mike Johns


Mike Johns

by Mike


I’m a 30 year old man and for the longest time I’ve been jaded and cynical about life.

All the good seemed to have been replaced with evil and everyone around me seemed far too occupied with themselves to even bother thinking about the person next to them.

I despaired but what could I do about it?

I read an interview with Tom Cruise after he filmed the movie The Last Samurai in which he described how the lifestyle and discipline of the Japanese had touched something inside him and as I read further, I found it touching me too.

I researched Bushido and starting dedicating myself to it and as I delved into Japanese culture further I started to see the recurring theme of Buddhism.

I didn’t convert straight away, I didn’t want to disrespect the faith by claiming to be Buddhist while not knowing anything about it.

The more I find out about Buddhism, the more I feel it is ‘me’.

So much has changed in my life since I started accepting Buddhism. I’ve started getting strange looks from people who know me since I started changing my lifestyle, but I feel so much better.

I’m a new man and my entire life is better for it. I can’t put into words the effect that Buddhism and Bushido have had on me, but I now look at everyone and everything in a new light.

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Jan 03, 2011

Thanks for your story!

by: Anonymous

Hi Mike,

Thank you for sharing your experience. I went through the same process. Just when I was about to despair and lose hopes of finding anything that is truly good in life, I met Buddhism. And like you wrote, the more I study Buddhism, the more I feel that it is “me.” Indeed, you became the change that you wanted to see in the world! It always starts with one person. That’s the beauty of Buddhism. Thank you for your story.

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