


by mariana vallejo

(Gainesville, GA)

I am 22 years old and have been raised in a very devout Mexican Catholic home. All the candles and prayers; saints and the idea of having to confess my sins to another sinner- all of that never made much sense to me.

I tried Christianity, but the idea of Jesus being my saviour and God made me feel like I was committing idolatry. Then a couple of semesters ago I took a course on religion and we started with Buddhism. Buddhism made sense and the little I learned gave me peace and it felt right to me; from that I was able to find my path.

Sadly I haven’t had the chance to study more since I still live in my Mexican Catholic home and I don’t know where to begin in terms of study, prayer, and meditation. So if I may ask for more guidance to continue on my path, I would really appreciate it.

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Nov 09, 2011


by: Hugo-Admin

Hello Mariana.

First off, thank you for your message and for your interest in Buddhism.

I often say that faith doesn’t have to prevent you from being a Buddhist. There are some similarities between Christianity and Buddhism, but this is for another topic.

So if you feel the pressure from your parents to be a devout Catholic, you can still be one AND being Buddhist in you heart.

The first things you should do is to get information. You can pick up a book (here are a few listed on my store page.

Bita, who usually comments on this kind of thread, will surely be along soon to make a few recommendations on titles to choose.

Once you know more about Buddhism, you can set up a personal routine where you might include meditation, prayers and devotions. Or not. It’s up to you.

May the Dharma bring you to enlightenment.

Nov 10, 2011

Great Books on Buddhism! (succinct and to the point)

by: Bita

Hi Hugo,

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts!
Mariana, welcome to the vast world of Buddhism. You are sure to find peace of mind and fulfillment
in Buddhism!

I recommend the following books:

1. Something You Forgot…Along the Way
2. You Were Born for a Reason

3. Unlocking Tannisho: Shinran’s Words on the Pure Land Path

4. Introducing Buddha: A Graphic Guide

I have studied these books myself for quite some time now, and so if you come up with any questions, I would be more than happy to discuss on skype or in an email. My skype address is:
My email address is:
bitae22(at)hotmail.c o m

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