How does a Buddhist deal with loss of a parent, who was a Buddhist ?


How does a Buddhist deal with loss of a parent, who was a Buddhist ?

by Carol

(Highland Park,NJ)

How does a Buddhist deal with loss of a parent, who was a Buddhist ?

Loss is difficult, whatever faith you have. It is one thing to know that death is just a passage, the end of an illusion that is life, but it doesn’t make it any easier to live.

Knowing sometimes alleviate suffering but it can’t replace it. Suffering is normal and you need to live your loss fully. Only by living it that you can overcome it.

I am not an expert on death and loss so I should leave you with a reading suggestion to help you live with it better.
Judith Lief wrote a book: Making Friends with Death: A Buddhist Guide to Encountering Mortality

I hope it will help you with your loss.

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Mar 06, 2012


by: Bronco

Dear Julie

We should all try to imagine all of those young intrepid soldiers of wars one and two, going into battle. Could we ever imagine the fear and anxiety they all had to deal with in their very own way can we…

Now all there is, is peace and silence for us all to dwell on, as we reflect on their total bravery and resolve in days gone by..My best pal as a kid, was my Grandfather, who lost his wife as the war ended, even as a kid he never got over it, I know, I was always with him whenever I could be…

He chose to be an atheist, never to believe in any God who allowed his wife to be taken. He taught me so much about life, It’s Nice To Be nice, to all of life was will come home to us, was another which I will never forget. This was karma in my own Grandfathers assumption, he wasn’t wrong was he. And he never mentioned Buddhism, he probaly had no idea what it meant…

Lengthy conversations between us both was always breathtaking. One time he spooked me totally by saying, if I go tomorrow cock, I have had a good innings. when he eventually went into transition, it broke my heart, but I knew he was ready which eased the pain. There is never a time when we are free of anxiety or worry, it gets to us all many times, then it passes. Fear is the driving balance of our actions, too much and we won’t do, not enough and we can come unstuck…

Like our soldiers when the time comes we will deal with it, there is no known plan, just a sequence of events to overcome as out whole life has been Satsang,,Bronco….

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