I Just Knew


I Just Knew

by Robert Hammond

(Lexington Couty, SC, USA)

I grew up in a Christian home and area, but never trully believed.

Then, I saw a statue of the Buddha Gautama Shakyamuni, and knew that that was what I believed.

I did not understand anything and had no real foundation when I read, and so remained a child for decades until my emotional maturity permitted me to understand more and more.

I can only think it was something from a past life that fit into place at that moment.

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Jan 13, 2011

I understand

by: C. Nakamura

I also grew up in a Christian home-well…we went to church at any rate. I practiced Christianity for years. When I began to learn about and study Buddhism I was afraid- I felt like I was doing something I should not do. So I kept it hidden form friends. but truth be told…my life began to change for the better the more I practiced. Zazen, the precepts…they really brought about noticeable changes in my life. I could not hide that fact. I do believe in “God” as I have had many experiences in my life that will not allow me to deny this. But….the more I study Buddhism the more I see many things that make sense to me. Things that have helped me. Issues that were never resolved by Christianity.


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