A plea for help
by Hugo (Admin)
I got this message from a reader and i replied but unfortunately the return address seems to be wrong so the message rebounded.
I decided to publish the question and answer here, hoping the person will find it and hoping it can help others.
Here goes…
She wrote:
My brother is in his twenties, he is addicted to a variety of meds and has been in and out of rehab. He has a family now and needs help more than ever. I had talked to him about maybe going to a buddhist temple and he was open to the idea I just have to push him to go to save his life, I need some advice and help at this point to save his life and be the brother/son/daddy I know he is down deep, can you give me some advice? My location is Corona, Ca., Thank you for your time.
Good afternoon A(name removed for anonymity) ,
I am sorry to hear about the suffering your brother is going through.
I know it is hard to help people who are suffering, especially when others are depending on them.
Going to a Buddhist temple, or joining a Buddhist community could be a solution for him. If they do not offer anything related to substance abuse, though, he might want to join a 12 steps program in combination with an enhanced spiritual life.
One of the 12 steps is to recognize that you are powerless and to turn to a higher power for help. That
higher power doesn’t have to be Christian, it could be the Buddhas.
I have made a short research on the internet for Buddhist temples in your area.
I found 2: one is of Thai tradition and I know nothing
about it. It’s called the Buddhist temple of America Inc. now, an incorporated temple doesn’t sound very good to me, but you can always look it up. It’s in Ontario, Ca.
The other one is a SGI branch:
Now, I have to warn you that SGI is viewed by many people as a cult.
You can read more about them on my site:
https://www.japanese-buddhism.com/sokagakkai.html and
I hope I could help. Remember though that only your brother can decide that he is ready to get better. If he is, he will get all the help he needs, you might be part of that help.
I am with you in your struggle,
all the best, in compassion,
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